The Word “Backfire” and Words containing /ay/
Seidy Salas, a BIN-02 student, is asking an interesting question regarding the use of a schwa in the compound word “backfire.” Is the word pronounced /’bækfayr/ or /’bækfayәr/?
As studied before, it was stated that the front vowels, except for /æ/, right before an /r/ or /l/ gets to be pronounced with the /ә/. (See chart below.)
Sample Word | IPA |
fear | /fiyәr/ |
bare | /bεәr/ |
meal | /miyәl/ |
mill | /mɪәl/ |
pale | /peyәl/ |
sell | /sεәl/ |
There is a tendency among native speakers to pronounce an extra schwa in monosyllabic words containing /ay/, although it is not a front vowel. And why is this happening? This phenomenon takes place because /ay/ is a vowel that somehow is very close to the front vowels. /ay/ is the uppermost low central vowel of all the English phonetic alphabet and it can get to have an extra schwa.
Some other words in English containing /ay/ + /ә/ are the following:
Examples of word | IPA |
acquire | /әk’kwayәr/ |
empire | /әm´payәr/ |
sapphire | /sәp’fayәr/ |
choir | /kwayәr/ |
perspire | /pәrs’payәr/ |
entire | /εn’tayәr/ |
require | /riy’kwayәr/ |
liar | /layәr/ |
vampire | /vәm’payәr/ |
attire | /ә’tayәr/ |
expire | /εks’payәr/ |
wildfire | /’wayldfayәr/ |