Praticing with Upsilon: /ʊ/
and Tense “u:” /uw/
Try to differentiate the following vowel sounds. Repeat each series of sounds, as many times as necessary, to produce them accurately and distinctively.
Vowel Sounds | ||||
/ʊ/ | /uw/ | /ɔ/ | /ʌ/ | /a/ |
/uw/ | /ʌ/ | /ʊ/ | /a/ | /ɔ/ |
/ɔ/ | /ʌ/ | /uw/ | /a/ | /ʊ/ |
/ʌ/ | /ʊ/ | /ɔ/ | /uw/ | /a/ |
/uw/ | /ʌ/ | /a/ | /ʊ/ | /ɔ/ |
/ʌ/ | /ɔ/ | /uw/ | /ʊ/ | /a/ |
/ʊ/ | /a/ | /ʌ/ | /ɔ/ | /uw/ |
Now clearly pronounce the following words. It is important to accurately produce each vowel sound.
Sample Words | |||
/uw/ | food | who’d | school |
/ʊ/ | cook | hood | took |
/ʌ/ | nut | mud | skull |
/ɔ/ | law | flaw | more |
/a/ | not | warm | charm |
/æ/ | pack | had | scalp |
/ow/ | poke | choke | sew |
1. June is a warm month in the summer.
/dʒuwn ɪz ǝ warm mʌnϴ ɪn ðʌ ’sʌmǝr/
2. Don’t forget to include the blue book.
/downt fɔr’gɛt tuw ɪŋ’kluwd ðʌ bluw bʊk/
3. Luke, let me introduce Ruth to you.
/luwk lɛt miy ɪntrǝdyuws ruwϴ tuw yuw/
4. The woman will discover the truth soon.
/ðʌ ’wʊmǝn wɪǝl dɪs’kavǝr ðʌ truwϴ suwn/
5. Look at Mr. Cook with that colorful hood.
/lʊk æt ’mɪstǝr kʊk wɪϴ ðæt ’kʌlǝrfʊl hʊd/
6. Put some sugar in the sugar bowl, please.
/pʊt sʌm ’ʃʊgǝr ɪn ðʌ ʃʊgǝr bowl pliys/
7. Choose a good suit carefully.
/tʃuws ʌ gʊd suwt ’kɛǝrfʊlɪ/
8. His son should drink more apple juice.
/hɪs sʌn ʃʊd drɪŋk mɔr ’æpǝl dʒuws/
9. If I could, I would move out of here.
/ɪf ay kʊd ay wʊd muwv awt ʌv hɪǝr/
Spelling and other details for /uw/ and /ʊ/ | |||
/uw/ | /ʊ/ | ||
oo | food cool noon choose | oo | good foot look hood |
u | student rude truth revolution June | u | put pull sugar push |
o | do to who move | o | woman |
ou | you group through | ou | would could should |
ew | new grew threw | | |
eau | beauty beautiful beautify | | |