Dipththongs /ay/ and /aw/
/ay/ like in ice, eye, nice, height, guide, rhyme, my, and die
- Hold the front and back parts of your tongue low in your mouth, as for /a/ as in not.
- Touch the lower front teeth lightly with the tip of your tongue.
- Lower your jaw and open your lips wide.
- Begin by saying “ahhh.” Then raise your jaw and the front part of your tongue at the same time to complete the sound.
Word | IPA | Word | IPA |
ice | /ays/ | fine | /fayn/ |
icing | /’aysɪŋ/ | fly | /flay/ |
die | /day/ | flight | /flayt/ |
dice | /days/ | sight | /sayt/ |
hide | /hayd/ | knight | /nayt/ |
hive | /hayv/ | bike | /bayk/ |
five | /fayv/ | mice | /mays/ |
/ay/ | /æ/ | /ay/ | /æ/ |
right | rat | might | mat |
hide | had | fight | fat |
side | sad | mice | mass |
died | dad | mine | man |
bike | back | fine | fan |
height | hat | like | lack |
bite | bat | lied | lad |
/aw/ like in ouch, out, house, cloud, town, vowel, how, and cow
- Hold the front and back parts of your tongue low in your mouth, as for /a/ as in not.
- Touch the lower front teeth lightly with the tip of the tongue.
- Lower your jaw and open your lips wide.
- Begin by saying “ahhh.” Then raise your jaw and round your lips. Move back part of your tongue toward the roof (soft palate) of your mouth to complete the sound.
Word | IPA | Word | IPA |
out | /awt/ | clown | /klawn/ |
pound | /pawnd/ | hour | /awr/ |
doubt | /dawt/ | cloudy | /’klawdɪ/ |
how | /haw/ | Ouch! | /awtʃ/ |
brown | /brawn/ | shout | /ʃawt/ |
town | /tawn/ | owl | /awl/ |
sound | /sawnd/ | scouts | /skawts/ |
/aw/ | /a/ | /aw/ | /a/ |
ow | ah | pound | pond |
town | Tom | doubt | dot |
shout | shot | spout | spot |
down | Don | found | fond |
brown | bronze | scouts | Scots |