Sample Words with /ɔ/
Read the following words in this chart, concentrating on the shape your mouth must have when pronouncing the open “o.” Remember that this particular sound is not like the regular /o/-sound you find in Spanish dialects, if you are a Spanish-language speaker. Your lips should not be rounded as in Spanish, but open.
Word | IPA | Word | IPA |
ought | /ɔt/ | ball | /bɔl/ |
tall | /tɔl/ | mall | /mɔl/ |
law | /lɔ/ | lawn | /lɔn/ |
calling | /’kɔlıŋ/ | jaw | /dʒɔ/ |
or | /ɔr/ | faulty | /’fɔltı/ |
more | /mɔr/ | sawing | /’sɔıŋ/ |
afford | /ǝ’fɔrd/ | That’s all. | /ðæts’ɔl/ |
raw | /rɔw/ | caught | /kɔt/ |
boss | /bɔs/ | audience | /’ɔdyǝns/ |
chalk | /tʃɔk/ | drawing | /’drɔıŋ/ |
former | /’fɔrmǝr/ | cord | /kɔrd/ |
Don’t just repeat the words once; do it from time to time. The key to making this sound mechanical in your speech is constant practice. Try, if possible, to stand in front of the mirror and see the shape of your mouth. In this way you’ll have the real chance to monitor how you are actually unrounding your lips for this sound.
Download a copy of this exercise, HERE!