The Story of the Titanic
Read the story of the Titanic. Circle all words that are pronounced with the vowel /æ/. The number in parentheses represents the total number of /æ/ words in each sentence.
Example: One of the great tragedies in the last century was the sinking of the Titanic. (3) /tay’tænɪk/
1. The Titanic was traveling to New York across the Atlantic in 1912. (3)
2. This grand and elaborate ship had over 2,200 passengers. (4)
3. It crashed into an iceberg and sank in about two and a half hours. (3)
4. Telegraphs warnings reached the Titanic too late. (2)
5. After the crash, upper and lower class passengers ran about in a panic. (6)
6. Women and children had a chance to cram into small boats at the last minute. (5)
7. The captain and other passengers could not abandon the ship. (3)
8. Actor and actresses reenacted the accident in an Academy Award movie. (5)
9. The story of the Titanic remains a sad and tragic chapter in our past. (5)