Transcribing Words
Containing Tense “i” /iy/
All the words included in the chart below are pronounced with a tense “i.” Keep in mind that the tense “i” is similar to the /i/-sound we have in Spanish.
First, repeat each word several times so you can get familiarized with the way each one is pronounced.
Second, transcribe the rest of the words that have not been transcribed. Download a copy of this list of words by clicking HERE!
Third, bring your chart to class to check the exercise with the whole class.
Word | IPA | Word | IPA |
bee | /biy/ | beef | /biyf/ |
beer | | creek | |
bleed | | deed | |
cheek | | feel | |
cheese | | flee | |
feed | /fiyd/ | geeks | /giyks/ |
heal | | free | |
heat | | hear | |
jeans | | lead | |
leaf | | leak | |
lean | /liyn/ | mead | /miyd/ |
meal | | mean | |
meat | | peace | |
neat | | peak | |
peach | | seat | |

Check your answers over here!