Adjective Suffixes and Pronunciation
As it happens with noun suffixes, there is a limited number of word endings for adjectives. Here you are presented with the ten most common suffixes for adjectives in English. Take a look at the way they are pronounced and how they are transcribed. Practice pronouncing the suffix before you read the words provided in the second chart.
Suffix | IPA | Suffix | IPA |
-ic | /ɪk/ | -y | /ɪ/ |
-ful | /fʊl/ | -ant / -ent | /ǝnt/ |
-less | /lɛs/ | -ous | /ǝs/ |
-al | /ǝl/ | -ly | /lɪ/ |
-ive | /ɪv/ | -ish | /ɪʃ/ |
In this second chart, you are presented with a number of words that contain these adjective endings. Read the words carefully, not only paying attention to the suffix, but also the clear vowels that the words contain.
Word | IPA | Word | IPA |
plastic | /’plæstɪk/ | rainy | /’reynɪ/ |
awful | /’ɔfʊl/ | pleasant | /’plɛsǝnt/ |
careless | /’kɛǝrlɛs/ | hilarious | /hɪ’læryǝs/ |
local | /’lowkǝl/ | motherly | /’mʌðǝrlɪ/ |
passive | /’pæsɪv/ | childish | /’tʃayldɪʃ/ |
Now that you have practiced reading the adjective endings and the simple words containing the suffixes, get ready to transcribe the following words in this chart. Once more, keep in mind that these words not only contain adjective word endings but also other vowels in their stressed syllables.
Word | Transcription |
acrylic | |
organic | |
magnetic | |
bellyful | |
cheekful | |
sinful | |
aimless | |
breathless | |
seedless | |
actual | |
annual | |
penal | |
abusive | |
elective | |
decisive | |
cloudy | |
foggy | |
starry | |
ambulant | |
decent | |
reliant | |
vicious | |
tedious | |
spacious | |
brotherly | |
weekly | |
daily | |
brownish | |
foolish | |
boyish | |
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