’riyɾɪŋ ’sɛntǝnsɪz [fɔr]
The following sentences have been transcribed for you. They all belong to a text entitled Hunting Eagles. First, read the three paragraphs carefully to understand what they talk about. Then, on your notebook, write down the written version of each paragraph.
/hʌntɪŋ ’iygǝlz/
/’hʌntɪŋ wɪϴ bʌrdz ɪz ʌ ’vɛrɪ owld spɔrt/ /ɪn sʌm ’kʌntrɪz / ðʌ ’gowldǝn ’iygǝl ɪz yuwzd fɔr ’hʌntɪŋ wayld ’ænɪmǝlz/ /ðey ar yuwzd fɔr ’hʌntɪŋ ’faksɪz ænd wʊlvz/
/’treynɪŋ ǝn ’iygǝl tuw hʌnt teyks ʌ lɔŋ taym/ /’hʌntǝrz kætʃ yʌŋ ’iygǝlz ɪn nɛts meyd ʌv hɛǝr/ /’æftǝr ðʌ ’treynɪŋ / ðɪ ’iygǝl ɪz ’teykǝn tuw ʌ fiyǝld/ /ʌ ’blaynfowld ’owvǝr ðʌ bʌrdz ayz kiyps ɪt kwayǝt / ’ʌntɪl ðʌ ’hʌntǝr ɪz ’rɛɾɪ/
/ðɪ ’iygǝl sɪts ʌn ðɪ arm ʌv ðʌ ’hʌntǝr/ /ðʌ ’hʌntǝrz arm ɪz ’kʌvǝrd wɪϴ ʌ lɔŋ / ’spɛʃǝl glowv / tuw prǝ’tɛkt ɪt frɔm ðʌ ʃarp klɔz ʌv ðʌ bʌrd/
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