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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week 3: Brownie Points

Brownie Points

Listen to the following podcast entitled “Brownie Points,” which was taken from BBC Learning English. Answer the following questions below. And don’t forget to print a copy of this exercise to be checked in class.

Brownie Points /’brawniy poynts/ definition:



01. Why did William buy a box of chocolate and a bunch of flowers?

02. What are some of the activities William has this weekend at his in-laws’ house?

03. According to Feifei, what is William trying to do?

04. What does the British expression “brownie points” mean?

05. Why is it that William is not sure if he is liked by his mother-in-law?

06. Gary is also trying to get some brownie points. Why does he volunteer to do work for the bosses?

07. When was the last time Feifei tried to earn some brownie points?

08. How is William planning to get to his in-laws’ house?

09. When was the last time you tried to earn some brownie points with someone?

10. Transcribe the following words taken form the conversation
a) English /’ɪŋglɪʃ/
b) spending
c) weekend
d) praise
e) impress
f) really
g) train
h) beginning
i) selfish

Taken from BBC Learning English http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/ and adapted for educational purposes

Get a copy of the worksheet by clicking over here.

For a copy of the conversation script, click here.

For a copy of the original podcast, click here.

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