Words in Contrast
/ɔ/ vs. /ow/
Now you will hear some pairs of words which differ in their vowel sounds: the first has the /ow/-sound as in know; the second has the /ɔ/-sound, as in saw. Pronounce the words while listening to the recording, and don’t worry if you don’t understand some of the words. You can check their meaning later on.
/ow/ | /ɔ/ | /ow/ | /ɔ/ |
so | saw | oat | ought |
low | law | cold | called |
toll | tall | choke | chalk |
owe | awe | ode | awed |
mode | Maude | oaf | off |
pose | paws | close | clause |
Joe | jaw | goes | gauze |
phone | fawn | row | raw |
droll | drawl | coast | cost |
scroll | scrawl | slow | slaw |
loan | lawn | hole | hall |
Now, carefully read the following sentences that include some of the words above.
01. A local phone call costs ten cents.
02. Now’s the time to show us how.
03. Do cows cause tuberculosis?
04. Now Paul, drive downtown slowly.
05. I saw Maude by a boat near the coast.
06. When Joe woke up, his oatmeal was cold.
07. I ought to phone the office; the sercice is rather low in quality and slow.